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(unnamed) London, England 181.4
The Dartmoor Way - shorter loop with High Moorland Link West Devon, England 133.5
7H - Cañada Moros - Veredas (2) 8.3
Von Castelletto hinauf nach Prada und über den le Ca-Trail hinunter Brenzone sul Garda, Veneto 22.3
Prueba Vila-real, Comunidad Valenciana 10.0
Dateiname Mainz, Rheinland-Pfalz 11.4
Schneeberg über Fadensteig Neunkirchen, Niederösterreich 14.6
Bovbjerg fyr Harboøre, Denmark 23.5
route 30km Singapore, Singapore 29.9
HTC_Leg8 Boring, Oregon 9.8
Wikiloc - 80km XCM Oropesa 2016 Oropesa del Mar, Comunidad Valenciana 82.6
CC100 2017 Easton, Washington 162.3
Multi-day trekking on the Alta Badia high route Corvara In Badia, Trentino-Alto Adige 76.6
dkskd Saint-Julien-de-la-Liègue, Normandie 9.0
Kleinwalsertaler Tälerrunde (valley circle tour) Hirschegg, Vorarlberg 22.4
Dam to Little Hole Dutch John, Utah 28.0
美術館家到阿公店水庫 Gushan District, Kaohsiung City 26.1
美術館家到義大世界 Gushan District, Kaohsiung City 16.9
Big hike Houches Les Houches, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes 10.1
KNKN Pérols, Occitanie 22.5